

有兴趣进入一个有大量工作机会的领域的学生可以选择参加一个十大网赌平台推荐 16个免学费的学习领域.

The HOPE Career Grant can be the boost a student needs to get started on a rewarding career in a well-paying job, 而且不需要积累很多学生贷款. It also helps Georgia employers by creating a pipeline of skilled workers they can hire well into the future.

HOPE职业资助传单 (PDF)


才有资格获得HOPE职业补助金, students must first qualify for and be receiving the HOPE Grant. 请查看以下资格要求. The two grants together will cover all tuition in these programs of study. Students will still be responsible for student fees and any equipment necessary, 尽管在某些情况下, 这些学生也可以获得经济援助.


All HOPE programs require students to meet basic requirements. 符合资格的学生必须:

  1. 遇见希望的你.S. 公民身份或符合条件的非公民要求
  2. 是乔治亚州的合法居民
  3. 满足入学要求
  4. Be in compliance with Selective Service registration requirements
  5. 达到学业成绩标准
  6. Be in good standing on all student loans or other financial aid programs
  7. Be in compliance with the Georgia Drug-Free Postsecondary Education Act of 1990
  8. Not have exceeded the maximum award limits for any HOPE program

不需要全日制注册证书或文凭课程,学生也不需要以特定的GPA从高中毕业, 然而, 他们必须有大专以上学历.0 GPA, at certain checkpoints, in order to maintain eligibility.

通过获得技术学院文凭或两个技术学院证书获得高中文凭(高中后毕业机会计划)的学生, in one career pathway identified by the 佐治亚技术学院系统 (TCSG), 是否有资格申请希望奖助金, 最高可达30度小时. 学生必须在TCSG机构注册副学士课程,才能获得HOPE奖学金. 付款后支付30个学时, the student is no longer eligible for HOPE Grant while enrolled in a degree level program. The student must then meet the HOPE Scholarship eligibility requirements at the 30 semester hour checkpoint.
来源: http://www.gafutures.org/hope-state-aid-programs/hope-zell-miller-grants/hope-grant/eligibility/

希望事业补助金. 有意义的事业从这里开始.


美国劳工统计局预计,从2014年到2024年,汽车行业的就业人数将增加5%. 十大网赌平台推荐汽车技术课程的毕业生学习技术和机械技能,以确保当今日益复杂的汽车安全行驶. 十大网赌平台推荐提供汽车技术培训, ranging from maintenance techniques and electronic systems diagnostics, 性能技术. Learn skills that will give you a competitive edge from the assembly line to the racing pits.



注册工程助理的研究领域为学生提供必要的培训,成为一名工程制图技术员. 通过一系列的课程, students are provided with training in core engineering techniques, including drafting and design and complex mathematical calculations. 认证工程助理计划为学生在不断发展的工程领域的有益职业生涯做好准备.



商用卡车驾驶证书课程提供商用卡车操作原理和技能的基本培训. 该计划是基于卡车司机的定义,即在所有类型的道路上操作各种尺寸和描述的商用机动车辆的人. The CTD program prepares students for the Georgia CDL Skills Exam.



Computer programmers are among the most sought after workers in today’s information economy. More than 25 computer programming certificates and diplomas are available, some focused on specific in-demand programming languages such as C++, C#, Java, 和Visual Basic. 学生还可以在广泛的IT环境中获得编程技能,包括网络和数据库管理, 网页设计及开发, 游戏设计与开发, 以及云和移动环境.



计算机技术课程为学生提供了必要的知识,使他们能够在增长最快的领域之一——信息技术——开始职业生涯. Students have the opportunity to earn either a certificate or diploma with more than 16 fields to choose from. Students can pursue a myriad of majors from animation and game design, to networking and repairs. From learning basic computer fundamentals and hardware concepts, 学习更先进的设计和商业模式, the 计算机技术 program prepares students with the necessary skills for a career in computer technology.



The Construction industry in Georgia has had year-over-year growth since the recession. 经过专业训练的十大网赌平台推荐建筑十大网赌平台推荐毕业生具备在私人建筑十大网赌平台推荐中有效工作的知识和技能, 公共和商业建设十大网赌平台推荐. 主修空调技术, 木工, 施工管理, 电气结构和维修, 砌筑和管道.



柴油设备技术课程是一系列课程,旨在为学生在柴油设备服务和维修专业的职业生涯做好准备. 学习机会使学生发展学术, 技术 and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, 保留, 和进步. 该计划强调卡车的组合, 重型设备, 海洋系统, 或应急发电机维修理论和实际应用需要成功的就业取决于学生选择完成的专业领域. 该计划的毕业生将获得证书,使他们有资格成为卡车商店的入门级柴油设备技术人员, 农业设备店, 以及土方设备经销商.



幼儿保育和教育计划是一系列课程,旨在为学生在幼儿教育领域的各种职业做好准备. 该计划强调幼儿保育和教育理论与实际应用的结合,以及成功就业所需的有限的一般核心能力. 毕业生有资格在早期护理和教育机构工作,包括儿童保育中心和启智计划.



Electrical Line Workers install or repair electrical power systems and telecommunications cables, 包括光纤. Georgia is among the states with the highest published employment in this profession. 十大网赌平台推荐 trains students in the 技术 and 机械 skills necessary to be successful, 为毕业生在公用事业公司就业做准备. 你将学习今天在野外使用的设备, 并准备解决问题的技巧, 以及行业的安全要求.



健康科学课程为学生提供了通过医学护理应用科学和技术的课程进入医疗保健领域的机会. Students have the ability to earn either a certificate or diploma, 视指定十大网赌平台推荐而定. 有超过35个特定的领域可供选择, students can earn the knowledge to accelerate their careers in a number of health science programs. 特别是, 学生有能力攻读各种医学领域的证书,如药物援助或外科技术.



工业维修 is a perfect career for those interested in tinkering with and maintaining machinery, 或者用你的双手生产和制造. 格鲁吉亚在这一领域的就业情况, which is also called Industrial Systems Technology and includes Manufacturing Maintenance and Mechatronics, 预计未来10年将增长8%. 学生在几个领域学习技能, 包括电子, 工业布线, 汽车, 控制, plc(程序逻辑控制器), 仪表, 流体动力, 机械, 泵和管道, 和电脑. 几乎所有乔治亚州的制造业, 包括汽车, 地毯, 地板, 饮料, 药品, 重型设备, 对这类熟练技术人员有持续的需求吗. Or, 这些课程帮助那些决定继续学习并获得机械工程和电气工程四年制学位的学生.



Home to the busiest airport in the world and the largest single-terminal container facility in North America, as well as an extensive network of highways and distribution centers, 乔治亚州是美国东南部的超级交通枢纽. 全国物流就业人数排名第五, and graduates of 十大网赌平台推荐’s Logistics program are fully qualified to join this skilled workforce. 物流与运输技术 programs offer courses in areas of inventory control, 采购技术, 仓储和配送技术, 还有更多.



电影技术课程将培养有能力的入门级电影/视频制作技术人员,他们可以成功地在电影/视频制作行业获得入门级工作,或者继续在其他电影制作课程领域的教育目标. Subject matter includes basic training in occupational areas of interest, such as Electrical & 照明、控制 & 索具,现场制作助理,发型 & 化妆、布景搭建 & 风景优美的, 还有很多其他的, 强调生产协议的能力, the pre-production / production / post-production process and crew responsibilities / hierarchy. Hands on labs provide students with real world Film and TV production simulations.



实用护理文凭课程的目的是准备学生写NCLEX-PN执照作为实用护士. The program prepares graduates to give competent nursing care. 这是通过一些选定的学术和职业课程来实现的,这些课程提供了各种必要的技术和材料,以帮助学生获得所需的知识和技能,从而提供合格的护理. 在临床指导教师的指导下,规划多种临床经验,使理论与实践相结合. Program graduates receive a practical nursing diploma and have the qualifications of an entry-level practical nurse. 学生通常必须提交令人满意的犯罪背景调查和药物筛选,才能进入临床医疗机构完成其教育培训的临床部分.



精密制造课程为学生在制造环境中的入门级就业或继续学习制造或工程课程做好准备. Students are introduced to fundamental manufacturing processes, 包括制造设计, 加工, and assembly; mathematical operators and analytical problem solving; 技术 schematics and symbols; drafting tools and techniques; and engineering tools and concepts. All didactic and lab principles are applied as practiced in an industrial setting.



The 焊接与连接技术 program is designed to prepare students for careers in the welding industry. 十大网赌平台推荐学习机会发展学术, 技术, professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, 保留, 和进步. The program emphasizes welding theory and practical application necessary for successful employment. Program graduates receive a 焊接与连接技术 credential, 是否具备焊接和连接技术人员的资格, 并准备参加资格考试.


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